
Model:wlan v.1 (MDP)
Parameter(s)MAX_BACKOFF = 4, COL = 0
Property:cost_min (exp-reward)
Invocation (default)
mono mcsta/mcsta.exe wlan.4.jani --props cost_min -E COL=0 --relative-width -O out.txt Minimal
Default settings: '--relative-width' = use relative error for sound methods, '-O out.txt Minimal' = write the property results into file out.txt with minimal formatting (will be read by get_result).
Return code:0
Relative Error:0.0
wlan.4.jani:model: info: wlan.4 is an MDP model.
wlan.4.jani: info: Need 15 bytes per state.
wlan.4.jani: info: Explored 345000 states for COL=0.
wlan.4.jani:properties[2]: warning: Computing minimum expected reward in property "cost_min" without checking for zero-reward end components.

Peak memory usage: 99 MB
Analysis results for wlan.4.jani
Experiment COL=0

+ State space exploration
  State size:  15 bytes
  States:      345000
  Transitions: 440206
  Branches:    762252
  Rate:        270588 states/s
  Time:        1.5 s

+ Property cost_min
  Value:  7625
  Bounds: [7625, infinity)
  Time:   23.1 s

  + Precomputations
    Max. prob. 1 states:          345000
    Time for max. prob. 1 states: 19.1 s

  + Value iteration
    Final error: 0
    Iterations:  268
    Time:        4.0 s