
Model:zeroconf-pta v.1 (PTA)
Parameter(s)T = 200
Property:deadline (prob-reach-time-bounded)
Invocation (default)
mono mcsta/mcsta.exe zeroconf-pta.jani --props deadline -E T=200 --relative-width -O out.txt Minimal
Default settings: '--relative-width' = use relative error for sound methods, '-O out.txt Minimal' = write the property results into file out.txt with minimal formatting (will be read by get_result).
Return code:0
Note(s):Correctness of result is not checked because no reference result is available.
zeroconf-pta.jani:model: info: zeroconf-pta is a PTA model.
zeroconf-pta.jani: info: Need 9 bytes per state.
zeroconf-pta.jani: info: Explored 498 states for T=200.

Peak memory usage: 46 MB
Analysis results for zeroconf-pta.jani
Experiment T=200

+ State space exploration
  State size:  9 bytes
  States:      498
  Transitions: 616
  Branches:    641
  Rate:        11067 states/s
  Time:        0.1 s

+ Property deadline
  Probability: 0.00122154193400425
  Bounds:      [0.00122154193400425, 1]
  CDF:         { (0, 0), ..., (99, 0), (100, 0.000651605), ..., (121, 0.000651605), (122, 0.000915505025), ..., (141, 0.000915505025), (142, 0.00096564602975), (143, 0.00096564602975), (144, 0.001072525539875), ..., (161, 0.001072525539875), (162, 0.0010820523307775), (163, 0.0010820523307775), (164, 0.001122666544625), (165, 0.001122666544625), (166, 0.00116595274622563), ..., (181, 0.00116595274622563), (182, 0.0011677628364971), (183, 0.0011677628364971), (184, 0.00117933788744364), (185, 0.00117933788744364), (186, 0.00120401102235599), (187, 0.00120401102235599), (188, 0.00122154193400425), ..., (200, 0.00122154193400425) }
  Time:        0.0 s

  + Value iteration
    Final error: 0
    Iterations:  413
    Time:        0.0 s