Quantitative Verification Benchmark Set

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Licensing and Citations
This benchmark set, including all models and results, is provided under the terms of the CC-BY 4.0 license. If you redistribute the benchmark set – modified, in part, or whole – or individual benchmarks, make sure to keep and appropriately display all necessary license and author information. If you use the benchmark set or individual benchmarks, for example in performance comparisons, please cite the benchmark set or the invidivual benchmarks. To refer to a specific benchmark, cite the publication linked as "first presented in" for each model. Cite the following article to refer to the benchmark set as a whole:
Arnd Hartmanns, Michaela Klauck, David Parker, Tim Quatmann, and Enno Ruijters: The Quantitative Verification Benchmark Set. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2019). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11427, Springer, 2019.
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For general questions or comments concerning the benchmark set, contact Arnd Hartmanns. If you have questions concerning a specific model, please contact the submitter listed for that model.