Model:majority v.1 (CTMC)
Parameter(s)T = 2100
Property:change_state (prob-reach-time-bounded)
Invocation (specific)
./fix-syntax ./prism --javamaxmem 11g majority.prism majority.props --property change_state -const T=2100 -sparse
Select best engine
Return code:0
Relative Error:0.0

Date: Mon Dec 10 21:54:17 CET 2018
Hostname: qcomp2019
Memory limits: cudd=1g, java(heap)=1g
Command line: prism --javamaxmem 11g majority.prism majority.props --property change_state -const T=2100 -sparse

Parsing model file "majority.prism"...

Parsing properties file "majority.props"...

1 property:
(1) "change_state": P=? [ F<=T ((EE>40)&(CC<20)) ]

Type:        CTMC
Modules:     D_def Y_def Z_def CC_def XX_def EE_def 
Variables:   D Y Z CC XX EE 


Model checking: "change_state": P=? [ F<=T ((EE>40)&(CC<20)) ]
Property constants: T=2100

Building model...

Computing reachable states...

Reachability (BFS): 44 iterations in 0.04 seconds (average 0.000818, setup 0.00)

Time for model construction: 48.948 seconds.

Type:        CTMC
States:      192000 (1 initial)
Transitions: 1961600

Rate matrix: 9569 nodes (85 terminal), 1961600 minterms, vars: 43r/43c

Computing probabilities...
Engine: Sparse

Number of non-absorbing states: 189000 of 192000 (98.4%)

Building sparse matrix... [n=192000, nnz=1933200, compact] [7.6 MB]
Creating vector for diagonals... [1.5 MB]
Allocating iteration vectors... [3 x 1.5 MB]
TOTAL: [13.4 MB]

Uniformisation: q.t = 3.287227 x 2100.000000 = 6903.175850
Fox-Glynn: left = 6319, right = 7610

Starting iterations...
Iteration 820 (of 7610): max relative diff=0.011346, 5.00 sec so far
Iteration 1645 (of 7610): max relative diff=0.002364, 10.00 sec so far
Iteration 2472 (of 7610): max relative diff=0.000984, 15.00 sec so far
Iteration 3303 (of 7610): max relative diff=0.000554, 20.01 sec so far
Iteration 4131 (of 7610): max relative diff=0.000378, 25.02 sec so far
Iteration 4959 (of 7610): max relative diff=0.000286, 30.02 sec so far
Iteration 5787 (of 7610): max relative diff=0.000229, 35.02 sec so far
Iteration 6604 (of 7610): max relative diff=0.000192, 40.02 sec so far
Iteration 7401 (of 7610): max relative diff=0.000165, 45.03 sec so far

Iterative method: 7610 iterations in 51.11 seconds (average 0.006090, setup 4.77)

Value in the initial state: 0.05429919316250449

Time for model checking: 51.195 seconds.

Result: 0.05429919316250449 (value in the initial state)

Overall running time: 100.727 seconds.